General News

Infant & Toddler News

November 18, 2018

As you know, music is a big part of the curriculum at Twin Spring Farm. For very young children, listening to songs exposes them to the many different sounds that make up our words. As you sing a song, you emphasize certain sounds and by doing so, you highlight the building blocks of our language. Singing gives the youngest children the opportunity to mimic and communicate with these sounds in a way that is ideal for toddlers. We continue to sing and use rhythm throughout our day at the Toddler Center to ease the difficulty of transitions, soothe and calm the children, and promote literacy and learning. Daily music classes in conjunction with teacher led songs and activities help to strengthen pre-literacy skills such as symbol and letter recognition. All in all, music is fun!

Thank you for sharing your little ones with us!

Kelly Anne Rupprecht
Director of the Infant & Toddler Center